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We have just completed a project to plant a small orchard of ten fruit trees underplanted with wildflowers on the community allotment. The bare root trees were sourced locally from East of England Apples and Orchards Project. The trees may not look very impressive right now but we are excited to see some blossom and young leaves - and in time we’ll have a productive orchard of fruits to share with our community! 

"The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul." - Alfred Austin

Upcoming Events

East Tuddenham Summer Fete

We are busy growing plants ready for our plant stall at East Tuddenham Summer Fair on Sunday July 14th 


The Allotments, Mattishall Road, East Tuddenham NR20 3LY


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